LOYALTON CITY COUNCIL discussed Sierra County’s Solid Waste System Fee Increase Protest at its July 21st meeting. The City has six bills, for an increase of $640.08. City Hall/Fire Department has decreased $155.66 due to recycling, from $519.92 to $385.92. The park is up $267.64 from $521.48 to $789.12; barn/Senior Center is up $484.78, from $1836.50 to $2321.28; the sewer plant is up $21.66, from $93.54 to $115.20 for the City’s grand total annually of $3,611.52. It was suggested they haul garbage and would encourage the Senior Center to recycle. This is the third increase in five years. Ernie said some pay $80 a month to haul garbage and part of the problem is some don’t pay, like the trailer park. Brooks moved to oppose the tax, seconded by Ernie and approved unanimously. Update on the Senior Center repairs was one bid for the complete job and needing to find out what insurance will pay minus deductible. Mayor Pat Whitley said the $5,000 CDBG fund will pay the labor. Senior Center Board member Donna May said the labor would be more like $7,000. Board member Jeff Toraason thought discussion was premature; they need to find out the bid and what insurance covers.


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