December 2012 Customer Update
"Growing Traffic, Revenue and Members".

Big Thank You

First of all I would like to take just a moment to thank all of our customers for their ongoing support and considerable interaction with all of us here at Chamber Nation. We accomplished a lot on the technology front including a beautiful new “DisplayedRight” program for your members. This will assure them mobile device compatibility and a presentation system they really need for their own services.

Over this past year we also delivered what we believe to me the most advanced mobile device management system for Chambers of Commerce staff and their members. Additionally, our mobile device development includes the tools entire communities need to compete properly online.


Amazing LoyaltyRight Program for Chambers

We are ready to launch the new LoyaltyRight program RIGHT NOW. We are also scheduling webinar(s) with the CEO of GVING, Michael Perry, who created the system behind LoyaltyRight so stay tuned.

Get started now by signing up at: 

Want to watch a terrific video on this new program?  CLICK HERE

ant to see the new SALES GUIDE? CLICK HERE

ChamberDINGO - Coming March 2013 or Is It? You Tell Us.

During the Chamber Nation conference in Phoenix it was amazing seeing how much information was being traded between executives and staff. This got me thinking about how can we use technology to help our customers trade information very quickly and efficiently.


Refer a New Customer - Win a New iPad Mini

We really want to grow in 2013 so we can make new investments in customer education and later to develop a brand new training center in Reno Nevada. We're very excited about the potential of Chambers of Commerce to grow their membership though innovative tools and better education.

To help us grow, and to help you make even better demos to your members and prospects, we'll thank you with  brand new Apple iPad Mini.  All you have to do is refer us to a new Chamber or association that joins the Chamber Nation network and you win.

Please send your referrals to either Sam Azzam (Sam@ChamberNation.Com), or to Richard Scully (Richard@ChamberNation.Com) and we'll be sure you and this new customer are taken care of.

Thank you very much we apprciate your referrals very much.

Join the Meeting on Wednesday

Day: Wednesday Date: December 5, 2012 
Time: 11:00 AM (PST) 12:00 PM (MST) 1:00PM (CST) 2:00PM (EST)

Scheduled Topics:
  • Chamber Nation Services - Designed to help you close more memberships, dramatically improve new member value and to deliver world-class member on-boarding process.
  • Michael Perry, CEO of GVING - the producer of our new Chamber of Commerce LoyaltyRight program will give an update and formally launch our new program. This is truly all about COMMERCE and bring significant value to many members.
  • At 11:30am we will offer an extended meeting and Q&A with Michael Perry and then Richard will carry on with the planned class on mobile application development at your Chamber. 
  • Q&A 
  1. Screen Sharing:
  2. Phone: (530) 881-1212
  3. Access Code: 901-325-889

Follow this link to view the recorded meeting:  CLICK HERE

Automated Retention Figures

You can now see how your retention rate is holding up. Just login to your Chamber Nation system and:


We had a suggestion by Robin Potter at the Surprise Chamber to add same concept, but instead showing actual $$ values. We have submitted this to engineering to do.  It is on the timeline, but not sure of delivery date yet. 

Brand New Chamber Nation Services

With so much technology and so many members frustrated with the lack of time to do things they know will help their business grow, we believe that the Chamber has an opportunity like never before to become the full service “Commerce Solution” for members. Chambers do a terrific job explaining the value of being a member of the Chamber, but if you add a whole discussion about how the Chamber will help them also improve their Commerce you will find many more interested members.

Simply put, members don’t have a lot of extra time and would appreciate knowing that they can depend on their Chamber to help them properly position their business online. Way beyond a website, but really taking the time to position their services properly through the official Chamber Search Engine, official community mobile application and even through their own mobile web app. When you couple our new one-time setup services with absolutely FREE hosting you just cannot beat the value of Chamber of Commerce membership.

APP Idea of the Month

Did you know that you can update your mobile apps at any time? You can add fun things like community tours, sponsor tours, valuable membership card services, coupons and a whole lot more.

This month we are going to show you how to launch a Chamber Membership Card service for your entire community of members. 
Learn How to Add Chamber Membership Card to Your Apps

Need Help?

Richard Scully, CEO - 855-233-6362 Ext. 701

Billing Systems:
Sam Azzam, Operations - 855-233-6362 Ext. 704

General Support:
Luke Tande, Support - 855-233-6362 Ext. 703

DisplayedRight Q&A and Support:
Brian Sundberg - 855-233-6362 Ext. 705

Need Training?

Administrative System Training:

Member Education:
Customer Update 2013 - December 2012 Customer Update

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