Portland Community Events & Meetings

March 2025
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Events in the next 90 days...
Saturday, March 29, 2025
Portland Arts Fest Features Live Music, Craft Show, Silent Auction and so much more!

Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Spring is here and it's time for the Portland Garden Club's Annual Geranium Sale. 
Online ordering will open on April 1st at
and run through April 30th.  

Colors are red, white, light pink, dark pink and salmon and the cost will be $2.50 per plant.  There will be a limited quantity, so place your order early as these beautiful plants go quickly!   

Curbside pickup at the Portland Red Mill will be on Thursday, May 9th from Noon to 6pm.  Stay in your vehicle and pay with cash or check. Your geraniums will be loaded in your vehicle by one of our volunteers.

If you are interested in volunteering to assist with the sale or have any questions, please contact Cathy at (616) 284-1213.  Proceeds help us to beautify downtown Portland, have educational speakers at our meetings, and make monetary donations to local organizations. 
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 - Tuesday, May 13, 2025
It's time to get creative with Portland Creates! Join the community in an all-ages art competition by submitting your very own art for display and judging. It can be something you make specifically for this program, or something you've had for years that you want to finally put out there. We welcome different mediums including (but not limited to) 3-D, metal workings, quilting, crocheting, quilling, painting, drawing, and much more! We will begin accepting submissions April 1. Art creations will be accepted through April 30.
Get creative and showcase your art to the community!

Wednesday, April 2, 2025
2023 Info Coming Soon.  2022) It's interactive!  Friends of the Red Mill & Portland High School Fine Arts PRESENT... Dick Tracy.  The audience is given clues, motives, and suspects to discover the killer.  
Friday May 6 and Saturday May 7.  Get your tickets early, they sell out fast! 

It's always a night of enjoyable entertainment. Dinner will be catered by Tommie's Family Catering and promises to be delicious!
Tickets are $35.00 each and available from Noreen Logel 517.743.1830 or online 
Monday, April 7, 2025
It's time to get creative with Portland Creates! Join the community in an all-ages art competition by submitting your very own art for display and judging. It can be something you make specifically for this program, or something you've had for years that you want to finally put out there. We welcome different mediums including (but not limited to) 3-D, metal workings, quilting, crocheting, quilling, painting, drawing, and much more! We will begin accepting submissions April 1. Art creations will be accepted through April 30.
Get creative and showcase your art to the community!

Tuesday, April 8, 2025

Spring is here and it's time for the Portland Garden Club's Annual Geranium Sale. 
Online ordering will open on April 1st at
and run through April 30th.  

Colors are red, white, light pink, dark pink and salmon and the cost will be $2.50 per plant.  There will be a limited quantity, so place your order early as these beautiful plants go quickly!   

Curbside pickup at the Portland Red Mill will be on Thursday, May 9th from Noon to 6pm.  Stay in your vehicle and pay with cash or check. Your geraniums will be loaded in your vehicle by one of our volunteers.

If you are interested in volunteering to assist with the sale or have any questions, please contact Cathy at (616) 284-1213.  Proceeds help us to beautify downtown Portland, have educational speakers at our meetings, and make monetary donations to local organizations. 
Tuesday, April 8, 2025


Public and Stakeholders welcome

This is HOW we do it!   And you can be a part of making a lot of wonderful things happen by joining us.

This is WHEN we do it!  on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at City Hall Council Chambers  6:15 - 7:30pm. 
Become a regular and see how even more gets done. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2025

Spring is here and it's time for the Portland Garden Club's Annual Geranium Sale. 
Online ordering will open on April 1st at
and run through April 30th.  

Colors are red, white, light pink, dark pink and salmon and the cost will be $2.50 per plant.  There will be a limited quantity, so place your order early as these beautiful plants go quickly!   

Curbside pickup at the Portland Red Mill will be on Thursday, May 9th from Noon to 6pm.  Stay in your vehicle and pay with cash or check. Your geraniums will be loaded in your vehicle by one of our volunteers.

If you are interested in volunteering to assist with the sale or have any questions, please contact Cathy at (616) 284-1213.  Proceeds help us to beautify downtown Portland, have educational speakers at our meetings, and make monetary donations to local organizations. 
Wednesday, April 16, 2025
It's time to get creative with Portland Creates! Join the community in an all-ages art competition by submitting your very own art for display and judging. It can be something you make specifically for this program, or something you've had for years that you want to finally put out there. We welcome different mediums including (but not limited to) 3-D, metal workings, quilting, crocheting, quilling, painting, drawing, and much more! We will begin accepting submissions April 1. Art creations will be accepted through April 30.
Get creative and showcase your art to the community!

Saturday, April 19, 2025

Easter egg hunt ages 2-12 divided by age
10AM    free for all
brought to you by the Chocolate Moose and Friends of the Chocolate Moose
Saturday, April 19, 2025

Easter egg hunt ages 2-12 divided by age
10AM    free for all
brought to you by the Chocolate Moose and Friends of the Chocolate Moose
Tuesday, April 22, 2025

Spring is here and it's time for the Portland Garden Club's Annual Geranium Sale. 
Online ordering will open on April 1st at
and run through April 30th.  

Colors are red, white, light pink, dark pink and salmon and the cost will be $2.50 per plant.  There will be a limited quantity, so place your order early as these beautiful plants go quickly!   

Curbside pickup at the Portland Red Mill will be on Thursday, May 9th from Noon to 6pm.  Stay in your vehicle and pay with cash or check. Your geraniums will be loaded in your vehicle by one of our volunteers.

If you are interested in volunteering to assist with the sale or have any questions, please contact Cathy at (616) 284-1213.  Proceeds help us to beautify downtown Portland, have educational speakers at our meetings, and make monetary donations to local organizations. 
Thursday, April 24, 2025
It's time to get creative with Portland Creates! Join the community in an all-ages art competition by submitting your very own art for display and judging. It can be something you make specifically for this program, or something you've had for years that you want to finally put out there. We welcome different mediums including (but not limited to) 3-D, metal workings, quilting, crocheting, quilling, painting, drawing, and much more! We will begin accepting submissions April 1. Art creations will be accepted through April 30.
Get creative and showcase your art to the community!

Monday, April 28, 2025
The members of Portland Downtown Development Authority Board are people that have a passion for downtown. They have grown up here, created memories here, and love it here. Their dedication stems from their interest in the growth and prosperity of #MiPortland and the community. Our Board aims to ensure that Portland continues to be a place that matters for generations to come.
Tuesday, April 29, 2025

Spring is here and it's time for the Portland Garden Club's Annual Geranium Sale. 
Online ordering will open on April 1st at
and run through April 30th.  

Colors are red, white, light pink, dark pink and salmon and the cost will be $2.50 per plant.  There will be a limited quantity, so place your order early as these beautiful plants go quickly!   

Curbside pickup at the Portland Red Mill will be on Thursday, May 9th from Noon to 6pm.  Stay in your vehicle and pay with cash or check. Your geraniums will be loaded in your vehicle by one of our volunteers.

If you are interested in volunteering to assist with the sale or have any questions, please contact Cathy at (616) 284-1213.  Proceeds help us to beautify downtown Portland, have educational speakers at our meetings, and make monetary donations to local organizations. 
Thursday, May 1, 2025

Geranium Pickup date is May 9th, Noon - 6pm

Spring is here and it's time for the Portland Garden Club's Annual Geranium Sale.  Online ordering will open on April 1st at https://portlandmigardenclub.org/geranium-sale and run through April 30th.  

Colors are red, white, light pink, dark pink and salmon and the cost will be $2.50 per plant.  There will be a limited quantity, so place your order early as these beautiful plants go quickly!   

Curbside pickup at the Portland Red Mill will be on Thursday, May 9th from Noon to 6pm.  Stay in your vehicle and pay with cash or check. Your geraniums will be loaded in your vehicle by one of our volunteers.

If you are interested in volunteering to assist with the sale or have any questions, please contact Cathy at (616) 284-1213.  Proceeds help us to beautify downtown Portland, have educational speakers at our meetings, and make monetary donations to local organizations. 
Sunday, May 4, 2025
Phil Collins fans, check this out!
Brought to you by Friends of the Red Mill & VFW Post 4090:

Sunday, May 4, 2025 at PHS Auditorium, 2:00 pm

"Collins was quite the unlikely pop superstar. From joining Genesis as a drummer to becoming one of the world's most popular singers, Phil Collins is a true pop and rock legend."

What is YOUR favorite Phil Collins song?

Get tickets online at https://square.link/u/VB1UzAjy
Or call/text Noreen 616-841-8200, or Sue 517-526-3452

Saturday, May 10, 2025
A HUGE line up of vendors!  Shop Local - Shop Small - Shop Them All! 
  • Annuals & Perennials
  • Heirloom Vegetable Plants
  • Herb Starts
  • Hanging Baskets
  • Potted Plants
  • Bird Feeders
  • Soaps & Oils
  • Yard Art
  • Candles & Crafts
  • Baked Goods & Honey
  • Lawn & Garden Equipment
  • Lawn & Garden Services
PLUS;  Live music, food trucks, Kettle Corn, Shaved Ice and more 
Tuesday, May 13, 2025
It's time to get creative with Portland Creates! Join the community in an all-ages art competition by submitting your very own art for display and judging. It can be something you make specifically for this program, or something you've had for years that you want to finally put out there. We welcome different mediums including (but not limited to) 3-D, metal workings, quilting, crocheting, quilling, painting, drawing, and much more! We will begin accepting submissions April 1. Art creations will be accepted through April 30.
Get creative and showcase your art to the community!

Tuesday, May 13, 2025


Public and Stakeholders welcome

This is HOW we do it!   And you can be a part of making a lot of wonderful things happen by joining us.

This is WHEN we do it!  on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at City Hall Council Chambers  6:15 - 7:30pm. 
Become a regular and see how even more gets done. 

Friday, May 16, 2025

Friday, May 17th 9am-7pm and Saturday, May 18th 9am-2pm

Stay informed and updated at Portland Community Garage Sales Page

Loads of Sales, in addition to ours, Westphalia’s sales are the same weekend  

SELLERS:  REGISTRATION (link)  and payment are due by FRIDAY MAY 10th by 5:00pm, no exceptions.

If you cannot be open FRIDAY, MAY 17th from 9am-7pm and SATURDAY, May 18th from 9am-2pm, you can indicate different hours.

$5 registration fee ($6 after May 1st) will help offset advertising, paper, printing, signage, and distribution costs and can be mailed to Becca Fedewa, PO Box 471 Portland, MI 48875, paid via PayPal to beccafedewa@hotmail.com, or via Venmo @BeccaFedewa

Benefits of participating/registering your sale:
* Your sale will be shown on a map of Sales
* Your description of the kinds of items you have will help bring shoppers looking for those items
* Increased sale traffic, especially for anyone not on a main road
Saturday, May 17, 2025

Friday, May 17th 9am-7pm and Saturday, May 18th 9am-2pm

Stay informed and updated at Portland Community Garage Sales Page

Loads of Sales, in addition to ours, Westphalia’s sales are the same weekend  

SELLERS:  REGISTRATION (link)  and payment are due by FRIDAY MAY 10th by 5:00pm, no exceptions.

If you cannot be open FRIDAY, MAY 17th from 9am-7pm and SATURDAY, May 18th from 9am-2pm, you can indicate different hours.

$5 registration fee ($6 after May 1st) will help offset advertising, paper, printing, signage, and distribution costs and can be mailed to Becca Fedewa, PO Box 471 Portland, MI 48875, paid via PayPal to beccafedewa@hotmail.com, or via Venmo @BeccaFedewa

Benefits of participating/registering your sale:
* Your sale will be shown on a map of Sales
* Your description of the kinds of items you have will help bring shoppers looking for those items
* Increased sale traffic, especially for anyone not on a main road
Monday, May 26, 2025
Portland VFW Post 4090, the American Legion, and Auxiliary will again host services honoring U.S. Service People.

10am begins the march from Veterans Memorial Bridge, up Bridge Street with stops and recognition at Lehman Funeral Homes and the Portland Cemetery.  

Followed with the annual Memorial Day Chicken BBQ hosted by PUMC and VFW 4090     11am - 2pm
Monday, May 26, 2025
The members of Portland Downtown Development Authority Board are people that have a passion for downtown. They have grown up here, created memories here, and love it here. Their dedication stems from their interest in the growth and prosperity of #MiPortland and the community. Our Board aims to ensure that Portland continues to be a place that matters for generations to come.
Saturday, June 14, 2025

Friday – June 13, 2025
4:30 – 7:00 PM | Chicken Dinner by Taste of Heaven
4:30 – 10:00 PM | Food Trucks-Smoke Ring BBQ, George’s Food, Kona Ice, Never Better Caffe
4:30 – 7:00 PM | Bounce Houses ($5.00 wristbands)
5:30 PM | MEGA Rock Raffle winners announced
6:00 – 7:00 PM | Irish Dancers performance
7:00-10:00 PM | We Three Strings


Saturday – June 14 , 2024
Baseball Tournament
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM | 3 on 3 Tournament (Alton Park & South end of West St adjacent to Alton Park)
10:00 AM – 11:00 PM Entertainment Tent open
10:00 AM – 7:00 PM | Kids Corner open-kids games
*Crafts (Sand art, Tie-Dye, Water balloon Toss, Duck Pond, Pop Toss, Hole in One and more
*bounce houses (($10.00 wristbands)
11:00 AM – 11:00 PM | Food trucks available (George’s Food Truck, Smoke Ring BBQ, Kona Ice, Never Better Caffe)
1:00 – 3:00 PM | Retirement Open House for Coach Al Schrauben (Summer Fest Entertainment Tent)
7:00 PM | 21+ only in the entertainment tens. $ 5.00 cover charge.
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM | DJ Jump Suit
9:00 – 11:00 PM Class of ’98