Friday, February 10, 2023
Storm's End Nutrition offers Herb classes throughout the year for people to attend. Our year begins in February. On February 10, 2023 we will have our first class! We will be covering the herbs Comfrey, Oregon Grape and Stinging Nettle. We go over the herb's properties, background, historical uses and scientific studies backing their current use for things. Each student receives a packet of information that also includes recipes and formulas for them to try at home should they wish to do so. Cost of the class is $11 per person and it begins at 10 a.m. at the Teweepuu Community Center in Orofino (45555 Hwy 12). Saturday, February 11, 2023
Storm's End Nutrition offers Herb classes throughout the year for people to attend. Our year begins in February. On February 11, 2023 we will have our first class in Grangeville! We will be covering the herbs Comfrey, Oregon Grape and Stinging Nettle. We go over the herb's properties, background, historical uses and scientific studies backing their current use for things. Each student receives a packet of information that also includes recipes and formulas for them to try at home should they wish to do so. Cost of the class is $11 per person and it begins at 10 a.m. at a private residence in Grangeville. For more information please call Eve at 208-935-8467. Saturday, February 11, 2023
Just in time for Valentines Day! There will be 30 local vendors. OZOTL Soaps and Handcrafted Body Care Products will be there with natural body care line that will keep your skin moisturized on the coldest winter day.