Calendar of Events

Event Type:

August 2023
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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Events available for Registration...

El Centro de Negocios para la Mujer está aceptando solicitudes para IncubateHer en Español Primavera 2025
12/11/2024 - 1/31/2025
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IncubateHer - Spring English Cohort Applications Open!
12/11/2024 - 1/31/2025
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36th Annual Women's Leadership Conference - WBC Business Exhibit
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Events in the month of August 2023
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Las Comadritas 
Las Comadritas are a group of seniors who reunite twice a week. As people grow older, is a challenge to remain social and healthy. The goal of the program is to improve health through reducing isolation and improving nutrition. Women 55+ are welcome to become part of the group. Enjoy free meals, field trips, and more!
Las Comadritas es un grupo de señoras de la tercera edad que se reúnen dos veces por semana. A medida que la edad avanza, es un desafío permanecer sociable y saludable. La meta de este programa es mejorar la salud a través de reducir el aislamiento y mejorar la nutrición. Mujeres de 55 años y mayores son bienvenidas a unirse a este grupo. Ofrecemos meriendas gratis, paseos y mucho más.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Las Comadritas 
Las Comadritas are a group of seniors who reunite twice a week. As people grow older, is a challenge to remain social and healthy. The goal of the program is to improve health through reducing isolation and improving nutrition. Women 55+ are welcome to become part of the group. Enjoy free meals, field trips, and more!
Las Comadritas es un grupo de señoras de la tercera edad que se reúnen dos veces por semana. A medida que la edad avanza, es un desafío permanecer sociable y saludable. La meta de este programa es mejorar la salud a través de reducir el aislamiento y mejorar la nutrición. Mujeres de 55 años y mayores son bienvenidas a unirse a este grupo. Ofrecemos meriendas gratis, paseos y mucho más.

Thursday, August 10, 2023
Women's Business Center  Invites you to our Bi-Annual Mixer!
Meet and connect with local business professionals and entrepreneurs, and celebrate the WBC's website re-launch!
Saturday, August 12, 2023
All teens (ages 12yo through high school) are invited to serve on the jury for Teen Court hearings.  Every session of court begins with Jury Orientation where you'll learn about restorative justice and the role of a juror.  Then you'll be put to work on that day's cases.  The jury decides what constructive consequence to give their peers who have been referred for arrestable behavior.  Jury members work together with empathy and civility to decide a consequence that will help the defendant never return to the justice system.  
Saturday, August 12, 2023
ESL 1 & 2 Classes 
The Latina Leadership Institute is hosting a quarterly four-month ESL course offering you the opportunity to learn English. You can pick a level that works best for you! We provide beginner and advanced levels. If you have children we provide you support by offering free childcare for children ages 4 and over. We also offer tutors for your older children (middle school & older).

El Instituto de Liderazgo de Latinas ofrece cursos de Inglés los cuales te brindan la oportunidad de aprender este idioma. Usted puede elegir el curso que se ajuste a sus necesidades. Ofrecemos el nivel de Inglés principiante y avanzado. Brindamos apoyo de cuidado de niños gratis para niños de 4 años en adelante donde tendrán apoyo con sus tareas escolares.

Saturday, August 12, 2023
GED Classes 
A free program offered in collaboration with Pima Community College Adult Education. It is held every Saturday for a semester-long. It is taught by the Pima Community College Adult education instructors. We provide group and individualized tutoring and assist you with childcare (4 years and older). If you need a GED book, we can provide that, too!
Un program gratuito ofrecido en colaboración con el Departamento de Educación para Adultos del Colegio Comunitario Pima. Este programa es enseñado por instructores del Colegio Pima. También proporcionamos tutoría grupal e individual y apoyamos con cuidado de niños (4 años y más). Si usted necesita un libro de GED, podemos asistir con eso también!

Tuesday, August 15, 2023 - Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Thursday, August 17, 2023 - Friday, August 18, 2023
Saturday, August 19, 2023
ESL 1 & 2 Classes 
The Latina Leadership Institute is hosting a quarterly four-month ESL course offering you the opportunity to learn English. You can pick a level that works best for you! We provide beginner and advanced levels. If you have children we provide you support by offering free childcare for children ages 4 and over. We also offer tutors for your older children (middle school & older).

El Instituto de Liderazgo de Latinas ofrece cursos de Inglés los cuales te brindan la oportunidad de aprender este idioma. Usted puede elegir el curso que se ajuste a sus necesidades. Ofrecemos el nivel de Inglés principiante y avanzado. Brindamos apoyo de cuidado de niños gratis para niños de 4 años en adelante donde tendrán apoyo con sus tareas escolares.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023 - Friday, September 15, 2023
Saturday, August 26, 2023
All teens (ages 12yo through high school) are invited to serve on the jury for Teen Court hearings.  Every session of court begins with Jury Orientation where you'll learn about restorative justice and the role of a juror.  Then you'll be put to work on that day's cases.  The jury decides what constructive consequence to give their peers who have been referred for arrestable behavior.  Jury members work together with empathy and civility to decide a consequence that will help the defendant never return to the justice system.  
Saturday, August 26, 2023
ESL 1 & 2 Classes 
The Latina Leadership Institute is hosting a quarterly four-month ESL course offering you the opportunity to learn English. You can pick a level that works best for you! We provide beginner and advanced levels. If you have children we provide you support by offering free childcare for children ages 4 and over. We also offer tutors for your older children (middle school & older).

El Instituto de Liderazgo de Latinas ofrece cursos de Inglés los cuales te brindan la oportunidad de aprender este idioma. Usted puede elegir el curso que se ajuste a sus necesidades. Ofrecemos el nivel de Inglés principiante y avanzado. Brindamos apoyo de cuidado de niños gratis para niños de 4 años en adelante donde tendrán apoyo con sus tareas escolares.

Thursday, August 31, 2023
Women's Business Center  Invites you to our Boot Camp If you need assistance with EIN number, LLC Registration & more info