50 to the A Interest Application
If you are an early-stage company, an investor, or a member of the business community interested in contributing to the success of the start-up ecosystem, we would love to hear from you.
- Required Field
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
A good phone/mobile number to reach you.
City you are located in Idaho
Business Name
Are you a current ITC member? (participants receive a 1 year complimentary membership while in the program) *
Select your area of interest.
Early-Stage Company
Member of the Business Community
If you are an investor, please include more information as to your interest in participating.
Please describe your business if you are an early-stage company.
Please describe your interest as a member of the business community
Potential Sponsor of the 50 to the A program
Sponsorship can include monetary donations to the ITC 501c3 Foundation in support of the program, but can also include volunteer time and mentorship. Please describe your interest in supporting early-stage companies.
The following questions are for prospective participants only.
What year were you established as a business?
What is your legal structure?
Last fiscal year revenue total. (If it was a loss, please also list)
Have you secured outside funding for your business in the way of loans, private investment, crowdfunding, etc.?
Please share more details about past funding, current funding activites.
Upload your most recent pitch deck HERE.
If there is anything else, you woule like us to know, add it HERE.
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