ITC Ambassador Committee
You are invited to apply to become an ITC Ambassador. This is a great way to get involved and be part of the movement to strengthen the tech ecosystem through quaity events and programming, connection members as the welcome arm of the organization.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Are you a current member of the ITC? *
Which area are you most interested in assisting?
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High-Tech Connect Monthly Networking Events
Welcoming new ITC members?
Annual Trade Show & Conference - Boise
Annual Tech Expo - Idaho Falls
Spark Series Online - Learning Series
Coordination of Special Interest / Industy Groups
Annual State of Technology Report and Luncheon
ITC Mentorship Program - recruiting mentors and mentees
TechTop 50 Awards Luncheon
Hall of Fame Gala
Hackfort Launch Party co-sponsored event
Boise Entrepreneur Week (ITC supported tracts)
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