Mobile App Information Request Form - CN Support Center
Send to customers after they order a Chamber Mobile App.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
TERMS: The app price is $1800 setup fee and then $20 per month. Since early 2019 Apple requires each organization to have its own App Developer account. If you are a non-profit there may not be a charge for this. If you have our DocumenationTeam.Com program in place for your members, a very nice Mobile Web App is included that may work for you. Please check with support for a tour.
YOU MAY WANT TO FIRST PRINT THIS FORM OUT ON PAPER SO YOU CAN GATHER THIS INFORMATION AND THEN CUT AND PASTE INTO THE FIELDS BELOW ONCE YOU HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER. Please answer the following questions so that we can begin the development of your new Chamber Mobile Apps.
Enter the name of your Chamber *
Please enter the information you would like people to see when they read about your Chamber of Commerce / Area. Can be up to 4000 characters so you have plenty of room. Be sure many of the terms people would search for your app with are included. This will be used within the "ABOUT US" section of the apps.
We need the very best search terms people will use to find your app on their phones. ie.: Buffalo Chamber,Buffalo New York,Buffalo,NY, Buffalo Ski Lodge,Buffalo Events,Etc.
This one is a bit tougher as this is LIMITED TO 100 CHARACTERS ONLY for iPhones. Please enter top search terms separated by commas people would use on their iPhones to look up your app. Example might be: name of chamber,city,state,etc. > up to a max of 100 chars (not 100 words).
Short PROMOTIONAL TEXT needed up to 100 characters. This is a short commercial we will add to the marketplaces to encourage app downloads. Example: We are the BIGGEST Little City in the World!
Please enter the URL to your Facebook account (if you have one for the Chamber).
Please enter the link to your Chamber Twitter account if you have one.
Please try to find a great video on YouTube by searching this website. Look for one about your area and/or the Chamber. This adds a bit of "coolness" to your mobile apps. Be sure to enter the URL to this YouTube video here.
Please locate and send us the original native artwork of your logo. Native artwork is the original art designed by the person(s) who created your logo. Native artwork that is able to be resized without destruction is called Vector Art. Files ending with the following are 'usually' vector/native art: .eps (encapsulated post script) .ai (adobe Illustrator) .psd (adobe photoshop) .indd (adobe indesign) .pdf (only if it's created from the original art in the original native vector format). .pdf (only if it's created from the original art in the original native vector format).
CANNOT FIND A HIGH QUALITY LOGO? Click "YES" here to allow our artist to create custom art for your organization mobile applications. We cannot process your artwork using your logo if you cannot provide an original high quality large file. *
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