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Galatians 6:9

February Events

February 13- No School Lincoln's Birthday Observed

February 14- Valentine's Day

February 17- Pancake Lunch (1st-6th grade)

February 20- No School Washington's Birthday Observed

February 23 & 24- "Raise Up" Fundraiser

Raise Up 2023 Fundraiser

Raise up
Plumas Christian School
February 23 & 24

Help us reach out $92,000 goal by matching our team of donors who have pledged $41,000 plus an additional $5,000 for new donors.

24 hours to double your investment in Christian Education

Donate by mail, in-person, or on our website at
Help us build our "Raise UP PCS Playlist"! Send in your favorite song with your donation!

School Update

Plumas Christian School is pleased to announce the addition of 7th grade for the 2023-2024 school year. We are now a kindergarten through 7th grade school!
Plumas Christian School - Save the Date