Letters to the Editor


Following a recent public meeting, a field representative of one of our local congressmen stated as a fact the rumored affair of the presumptive nominee of the Democratic party, implying this somehow disqualifies that worthy for the presidency.
Meanwhile, this rep's nominee for the nation's highest office is an adjudicated rapist.
These were not the values of the Grand Old Party when I was on its central committee.
That rape is preferable to alleged consensual sex is an attitude I shudder to believe is acceptable to a GOP operative. There was a time the organized Republican women were the classiest and best informed women in Sierra County. I am happy that generation of impressive women was spared the conundrum of being expected to support a brutish boor with neither civility, manners nor class.
Don Russell

This election is easy to see where America is! An American will vote for Trump-Vance and the Marxist America haters will vote for Willie Browns slut. The Sierra Booster writer from Sierraville, will vote for the Slut and the death of America.
The real Americans that have been hurt with prices, open borders and endless wars will vote for Trump. Please do what you can to assure The Trump-Vance ticket is elected to save America.
Remember who controls the voting machines!
Tom Dotta

Several years ago there was a double wide trailer fire next to my home on Holden Lane.
My name is Frank Sanchez and I've lived well over 70+ years. My step-father ran a very tight ship when he owned the trailer park that today is a vacant site.
Today this site next door is a fire-debris mess that has never been touched in years. My property is located inside Sierra County and not within the city limits.
I've contacted the authorities about cleaning up this mess for years. I've gotten nowhere. All I ever hear is it's private property. We can't go on private property! Please! This fire mess would not be tolerated anywhere in the county.
Frank Sanchez, Loyalton

To the gentleman who said The Biden administration is an embarrassment from other countries, Trump's separating the families of migrants has left many families of parents not knowing where their children are or of children knowing where their parents are. Some have been reunited but several others may never know. This was Trump's doing not as Vance's 5th grade mindset of pointing the finger at somebody else. The Jan. 6 storming of the Capital (sic) caused millions of dollars damaged and contributed to four deaths, capital police officer Sichnick died the next day of his injuries, Ashley Babbit wrapped in a trump flag was shot climbing over a barrier into the house chamber after repeated warnings were made. Two other Capital Police Officers committed suicide after their failure to stop the intrusion. Trump showed no remorse over these deaths at this time even after a note was delivered to Trump he was still tweeting. Pence didn't have the courage to do what should be done to save our country. Attorney General Jeff Rosen finally without any order from Trump deployed units to the capital. I am curious as to why nobody talks about the gallows erected and the people caught in the Capital with zip ties. Trump may be a master criminal, but also a master of spending other peoples' campaign contributions on his legal bills, to slow walk every court case whether not finish paying loans or contractors. Trump's willful mishandling “of the nation's most sensitive secrets' and his defiance of a subpoena to turn them over is a very serious charge. Republicans' ultimate goal is to 'roll back the political and cultural settlements' of the past half-century and return the power to 'the people' – specifically “a narrow, exclusive people defined in racial, religious, and ideological terms,” embodied in the one person of Donald Trump. There is a poem of old:
Deluded Americans! Wherefore should you boast

Of freedom, purchased at a treble cost?

Will this, while centering in a private hand,

Restore to wealth, your much impoverished land?

To purchase this, think how much right's gone?

Think on the mighty mischiefs it has done…

Then will your boastings into sorrow turn.

Duane Vanderveen
Blairsden Graeagle, CA

So much could be said concerning the letter from D. McKechnie (of Nev./Calif?….where does he register his vehicle?) So as not to engage in his rhetoric, his generalities of who a Republican is is outrageous! His statements are antagonistic as he is provoking hostility and divisiveness. Or maybe he's just trying to gain attention for himself. I felt personally insulted by his comments.
The only thing I want to convey is I am not afraid... my beliefs are strong and grounded. So just STOP, Mr. McKechnie!!! Whatever your political stand is or beliefs are doesn't give you permission to heckle people who disagree with you. If you have a point to make,….then do it at the ballot box.
Maybe his letters to the editor could be about all the goodness that this valley has to offer.
S. DeCoite
Sierra Valley

I have noticed that Republicans have been doing whatever they can to obstruct voting and Democracy, especially in the South. This is all to the detriment of struggling Americans. Things like Gerrymandering, voter ID, one drop box for the large county that Houston is in to make it difficult for black people to drop off their ballot, opposition to mail in voting. Those Republicans have also passed a law to criminalize offering water or food to a person standing inline to vote (that is mean), and they're purging thousands of voters from the voter roles. Now, if they have good ideas, you would think they would want everyone to vote. But it sounds like the policies they are advocating are simply name calling. Name calling will not improve our health care costs or reduce the price of drugs. Oh yea, they lie a lot. Did you teach your children to lie?

Don McKechnie
Sierraville and Sparks as well as the Eastern Side of the majestic Sierra Nevada

Submitted: 08/16/24
Article By: Sierra Booster