Letters to the Editor

Letters - 8/29/24

Life is a Celebration of the Soul........
I need to advise you that my husband, Richard Alvarez, passed away in May. I believe he was one of your longest running subscribers. His life has ended but his family shared his joy in receiving each copy. I would like to continue receiving the Booster and have enclosed my check.
Thank you for enriching Dick's life.
Sue Alvarez
Redwood City, CA

Rebuttal to Russell
Provocateur: A writer, artist, political activist, whose works, ideas, or activities are regarded as a threat to accepted values or practices. Enter the previous editor/owner of the Mountain Messenger, and his long history of editorials within that paper. One must question Russell's honesty of his remarks, Sierra Booster 15 Aug 2024 of President Trump being a rapist. The left twist words to suit their needs, in this case, Russell used the word adjudicated quite loosely. Adjudicate: To put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge. Foremost, the sitting judge did not adjudicate. One might even call his actions in the court room influence peddling or jury tampering using the word rapist of President Trump. I think one could call it an attempt to influence the jury, the jury was not seduced by his comment. One also gets the impression the judge weighed out what he wanted and there was NO evidence presented to the jury that convinced them of rape hadtaken place given their verdict. Simply, the judge wanting to be both judge and jury, not following the rule of law, was trying to exaggerate the circumstance and exasperate the trial. Russell's evaluation as was the judges, hardly fair or honest. One should ask both, WHY did it take two decades for the woman to come forward? A women well-known, successful columnist, who had the power of the pin and the ability to stand up for herself. I find her excuses flimsy at best, stating of Trump, fear of repercussions, repercussions? Hardly an excuse then or now, however, she and the Democrats got what they wanted, a New York railroaded court case, doing the Democrats bidding in another attempt to destroy Trump.
Michael H. Welbourn

Hello again, Janice.
Would you please make a correction regarding my recent submission about our Church Family Reunion/Picnic on July 13? For public record, Jenny Church (my niece and Randy's daughter) lives in Chester, rather than Westwood. In the photograph, she is pictured on the left, halfway back.
I identified Lorrain Church's nephew (our photographer) as Brian, when actually, his name is Chris.
I appreciate your accurate- and timely reporting.
Blessings in Christ,
Carolyn (Church) Ferguson

Wow, I usually don't watch political conventions, too much BS for me. But I did watch parts of the Democratic convention. I was blown away. So much, excitement, hope, happiness, inclusion, diversity, The audience was made of Americans as America is.; black folks, latino folks, women (really smart women), Asian folks. Jeeze, there were police and sheriffs officers that spoke as well as Republicans (can you imagine???). The Republicans that spoke at the convention were your Dad's Republicans. The part I liked best was the words fairness and empathy. They were not spoken often but they were spoken. That's is what a government should do is look out for the least of us by being fair and considering the plight of the less fortunate.
Don McKechnie
Sierraville, Sparks, this side of the Pecos

Submitted: 08/29/24
Article By: Sierra Booster