Thanks very much. Still love the Booster!
Joyce, Santa Rosa, CA
Well, all you liberals, in all that dribble you have been spreading of President Trump over the past 7.75 years, now the 47th President, the American people of all walks of life and ethnic origin spoke November 5th, 2024, as they rebuked the Democrats Socialist/Communist manifesto.
America's voice came through loud and clear. So, pack up that haversack of lies, double talk, hatred, and dribble and watch while real America gets back on track, and back to work as a free Republic! President Reagan said in 1961; “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream.
The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don't do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free.”
Michael H. Welbourn
How I remember it.......
The old races in the 50s. Like Bonnie White said, the track was where the old SPI truck shop sits down below “Suicide Hill.” (Grave yard hill.)
There were about six cars in Loyalton, one from Reno, others from Susanvile, Herlong and Quincy.
#5 was Merle Brennan from Reno
#14 Bob Fabel and Hale Charlton
#10 Alvin Lombardi and Joe Marin
#16 Jim McCollum
#35 Lynn White
#45 Roy White
#222 Pearson Brothers (Portola)
I remember the #10 really well because I painted the number and other writing on the side of the car. I also helped with preparing the car for the races.
Races were held not only in Loyalton but Susanville, Herlong and Reno. There were usually 3 or 4 races at each track during the summer.
Most cars were '32 Fords. I think Roy had a '40 Ford Sedan 4-door. And Alvin and Joe had a '37 Chevy Coupe. Most cars had Ford Flathead V-8s with 3 speed transmissions. Second gear would jump out of gear, so there was a hook on the dash to lock it in while racing. Each car had to have a roll bar and doors were welded closed.
Time trials for qualifying were held. Best four cars were entered into the trophy dash. Winner of the dash was presented a trophy by the trophy girl.
There were several heat races, and then the main race. Everyone participated in the main race.
Powder Puff races followed. They were strictly for the ladies.
It was fun for everyone and I enjoyed being there.
Ray Giminez
I'm curious to know how the left-leaning bunch in Sierra Valley (seems an oxymoron, doesn't it?) will condemn the majority of Americans who voted the other way inthe presidential election. Could it be that over half the country is racist and filled with hate? This is typically the way they (left-leaners, in general) categorize these people. Sierra Valley Democrats, is this the hill you're going to die on? Can anyone think of another possible explanation? Seems a rather foolish and immature conviction to me.
Thomas Parris