Letters to the Editor

August 10th Letters

To the Editor and the Community Members of Sierra County:
I want to express my deepest appreciation to many individuals who participated in this year's California State Fair Sierra County Exhibit. We had an amazing and talented group of individuals who designed and built the exhibit: Greg Bostrom, Docia Bostrom, Mark Panelli, Mike Galan, Bryan Davey, Mark Helms, Tony Tucker, Sharon Dobija and Patty Hall, and Bryan and Mary Davey, who produced a beautiful video to show to all of our visitors to the exhibit. These individuals worked very hard and because of their efforts, Sierra County received a Silver Ribbon Award. The following volunteers took the time and effort to travel to Sacramento to staff our exhibit and talk to people about all of the beautiful natural resources Sierra County has to offer: Lee Adams, Stuart Lauters, Stacey Estrada, Richard Nourse, Mary Nourse, Earl Withycombe, Dave Hutchison, Ann Hutchison, Mary Jungi, Dale Teubert, Bailey Jungi, Bella Acuna, Dave Marshall, Carol Marshall, Tony Tucker, Nina Tucker, Enid Williams, Kay Gasson, Bruce Palmer, Colicia Palmer, Olivia McCaffrey, Sandi Kendall, Kaaren Smith, Greg Bostrom, Docia Bostrom, Derek Beverly, Allison Baca, Hillary Lozano, Jan Koettel, Christie Brzyscz, Larry Breed, Mike Galan and Karen Galan. Thank you to my husband, Charles and Mike and Karen Galan for staying with me very late on Sunday evening to take down and load up some of the exhibit materials. And, last, but not least, our awesome crew who showed up Monday morning to break down all of the materials and haul them out of the building: Greg Bostrom, Docia Bostrom, Tony Tucker, Bryan Davey, Mark Panelli and Bruce Palmer. I am so grateful to all of you for your help in making this year's exhibit a huge success again. I heard very positive feedback from many of you as to how much fun you had working on this project. Thank you to all of Sierra County for all of your positive support of this important project.
I thoroughly enjoyed working as your County Coordinator this year and with all of the volunteers.
Mary Ervin

Hi Jan,
Gotta have my Booster. It brings me right back home.
Thank you for your wonderful newspaper. I read it from cover to cover. Especially keep up with the City Council meetings!
Your dad would be so proud.
Proud to be from Loyalton!
Sharon Battenfeld
Fair Oaks, CA

Dear Editor:
The Loyalton Fire Department has shown me again the value of the community we live in. While the fire we were threatened with raged, one person made a statement that I strongly took exception to. Word got back to Robert DeMartini of Loyalton Fire and he took the time from his busy schedule to come and talk to me and resolve the issue. My faith is not only back in Loyalton Fire, but it is elevated, because there can always be differences but the successful jump on to resolutions and put the differences in the past. Robert and Loyalton Fire have done that. I never want that moment of disagreement to overshadow the wonderful job that the Loyalton, Sierraville and Sierra Valley Fire Departments along with all others did, to save our property from the raging fire. Thanks to all.
Tom and Judy Dotta

Submitted: 08/13/17
Article By: not specified