Sierra County second positive COVID-19 test result
y Public Health received notification of a second positive COVID-19 test result for a resident of Sierra County. The person is asymptomatic; does not have symptoms. An investigation is underway to determine if any other residents may have been exposed through close contact. Possible exposed residents identified during the investigation will be contacted by a member of the Public Health COVID-19 Response Team for further screening. Due to our very small population and small communities, no further details will be released.
Even though we have not demonstrated the presence of community spread in Sierra County, we believe we are all at some risk, as community transmission has been demonstrated in many of our surrounding jurisdictions where we live, work, and shop. Our vulnerability is especially high because of the limited resources we have in Sierra County, including gasoline, groceries, tourist-based economy, limited healthcare facilities, and lack of pharmacy.
As you are aware, cases of COVID-19 have been increasing around the state, nation, and world. This is not a time to let down our guard!
Every person has a role to play.
Celia Sutton-Pado, MD Public Health Officer Sierra County
P.O. Box 265 Loyalton, CA 96118
704 Mill Street (530) 993-6746
Fax (530) 993-6759
Lea Salas- Director
Kathryn Hill- Clinical Director
(530) 289-3711 Fax (530) 289-3716
o Practicephysicaldistancingof6feetfromothers
o Washyourhandswithsoapandwaterafteryouhavebeeninapublicplace
o Wearafacecoveringwheninalocalbusinessorunabletomaintain6feetdistance
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we stand together to beat this disease.
For more information, please go to: